Adventures in the Household is a 5E supplement about Littlings, little folks living grand-tiny adventures in a big abandoned House. Set in a regency-like era, 100 years after the disappearance of the Master, Adventures in the Household features an immersive lore that takes players into a unique setting.
Players of Adventures in the Household take on the role of littlings, little beings of the Little Folk from European folklore. In the Core Rulebook you will find 4 different Folks:
- The Faeries: Known for their grace, and for the beauty of their dragonfly wings.
- The Boggarts: The strongest and most loyal among all the little people.
- The Sluagh: The outsiders from Farbeyond, able to regenerate from even deadly wounds
- The Sprites: Who share an ancestral bond with the Household Fire, Water or Air.
In The Core Rulebook you will also find 6 Professions (Classes), each with 6 different Vocations to choose from:
- Soldiers: Strong, competent littlings who aren’t afraid to face grueling training to prepare for an even tougher profession.
- Scholars: This is the profession of all littlings who focus on studying one or more subjects in depth. For examples diplomats and detectives, as well as doctors, engineers, and architects.
- Hunters: The valiant hunters are littlings who dedicate their life to driving rats, centipedes, and spiders of all shapes and sizes out of our land
- Criminals: This is the profession of swindlers, dodgers, and scam-artists of all sorts, with their wide smiles and open pockets, eager to be lined.
- Duelists: Duelists are the keepers of an ancient art handed down in old academies, an art of war that originated when war was a cleaner, more romantic affair.
- Animal Handlers: Handlers devote their lives to taking care of animals. Could you imagine the House with no riding mice, no gecko shows, no pet bumblebees, or no watch beetles?
Core Rulebook: 300+ pages, hardcover, soft touch finish. The Core Rulebook contains all the new rules and mechanics, the lore of the House, and the Household Bestiary.
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