With her creation Belphagor at her side, Bethayne stalks the battlefields of Immoren to bring death and destruction to the enemies of Everblight. Bethayne can meld with Belphagor, donning the mighty warbeast’s flesh like an enormous suit of scaled armor. The two become one, acting in concert as a single individual, mingling a warlock’s sorcerer power with the brutal onslaught of a warbeast’s fury.
Please note: As of April 2017 Privateer Press are no longer including stat cards in any of the miniatures from their Warmachine and Hordes ranges. The cards can be purchased separately in the faction Decks. Wayland Games are not able to supply any Privateer Press stat cards separately.
Product Specifications
Average Age | 14+ |
Faction | Legion of Everblight |
Finish | Unpainted |
Format | Box |
Game System | Warmachine |
Material | Plastic |
Product Code | PIP73044 |
Product Manufacturer | Privateer Press |
Scale | 32mm |
Unit Type | Warlock |
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