
Spit Hog Special Order

Original price was: £14,85.Current price is: £5,94.

SKU: WYR23603-SO Category:


Welcome to Malifaux!

Malifaux, a twisted mirror of an alternate Earth in the 1900s; a world of gothic horror, Victorian structures, steampunk constructs, and wild west gunslingers. Rife with undead amalgamations, monstrous vengeful apparitions, and other creatures that bump in the night, these near-lawless lands are still worth treading for some, as the Soulstones deep within the cavernous catacombs are worth more than the sweat and blood it takes to obtain them.

Malifaux Third Edition is a story-driven skirmish game where two players fight one of the endless skirmishes for control over the towns, settlements, and places of power in this dangerous new world. In Malifaux, the events from its extensive lore are directly carried into the characters’ mechanics. With a streamlined hiring system, straight forward and updated rules that don’t get in the way of the fun, and enough strategic depth to keep those mental gears turning for years to come, it’s never been a better time to dive in.

Nestled to the east of Malifaux City is the Bayou, an expansive swamp with open marshes, flooded wetlands, and acres of pig farms. Beneath the branches is a cobbled-together Gremlin society that mimics the important elements of humanity, like brewing alcohol, shooting guns, and generally being a lethal nuisance to society. The Bayou is a chaotic place, and the denizens will do whatever it takes to keep it that way.

Malifaux models are 32mm ‘heroic’ scale miniature made of high-quality plastic. Will require some preparation and assembly.

This product is a special order item. This means that for Malifaux 3rd Edition boxes, some new models will be bundled with previously existing models making it easier than ever to expand your Crews in Malifaux and purchase new models without having to purchase older ones.

The models in this set were originally featured in the Deliverance Box (WYR23603)

Faction: Bayou

Keyword: Big Hat


  • Spit Hog

Please Note:

  • Miniatures are supplied unpainted and some assembly may be required.

Product Specifications

Average Age 12+
Faction The Bayou
Finish Unpainted
Format Box
Game System Malifaux
Malifaux Keyword Big Hat
Material Plastic
Product Code WYR23603-SO
Product Manufacturer Wyrd Miniatures
Scale 32mm
Unit Type Minion


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