The Jaguar 1 can support your Panzer Kompanie. It carried the HOT missile system, with an automated firing system allowing the crew to fire it from inside the vehicle under NBC (nuclear, biological and chemical) protection. The Jaguar 2, which can support your Panzergrenadier Kompanie, mounted the older US-made Improved TOW missile system. |
Jaguar 1 Jagdpanzers |
The Jaguar 1 equipped the Panzerjäger Kompanien (tank-hunter Companies) of the Panzer Brigades, where their role was to provide long-range anti-tank support to the Panzertruppen (armoured troops). The Jaguar 1 is a development of the Kanonenjagdpanzer (Cannon Tank-hunter), a 90mm gun-armed tank-hunter introduced in the 1960s. The first anti-tank missile-armed version was the Raketenjagdpanzer 1 (rocket tank-hunter) armed with the SS-11 anti-tank missile. 316 of these vehicles were up armoured and converted to mount the new HOT antitank missile system between 1978 and 1983 as the Jaguar 1. HOT (Haut subsonique Optiquement Téléguidé Tiré d’un Tube, or High-subsonic Optical remote-guided, Tube-launched) is a long-range anti-tank missile system. The HOT missile system, as fitted the Jaguar 1, was designed to be used under NBC (nuclear, biological and chemical) protection, and the missile could be retracted into the vehicle for reloading using an automated loading system. |
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